Cyber security is no longer just a matter of making sure that your business has a good firewall and antivirus. Stakes are much higher than they used to be. As tasks and information move online and as criminals become more resourceful, business owners need to be able to rely on the ICT security that they have in place.
You need to be sure that your information, both local and in the cloud, is protected. Points of risk have increased (multiple devices and/or locations) and need to be monitored. Phishing attacks that solicit private information and ransomware attacks that take your information hostage for a fee are becoming more sophisticated and harder to spot. Furthermore, most people have little understanding of social engineering attacks and deepfake attacks that are becoming more and more common.
It is not good enough for companies to just have protection in place; it is vital that this protection is monitored, evaluated and updated regularly. At Fine ICT, we can make this easier for you, as we keep up with the latest threats and prevention measures.